- IBM’s rich acquisition history has now taken on two specific directions, and it’s clear where Rometty intends to take the business over the next few years.
- These two segments are IBM’s biggest growth opportunities, and I see them catapulting the company into the future of technology in a way that will leave the competition far behind.
- Their strategy for these two segments is a balanced one that will need aggressive movement to have any significant impact. Can they move fast enough, though?
IBM (NYSE:IBM) has been buying businesses in the craziest way possible. If you look at its acquisition history, it’s mind-boggling. For the purpose of this article, let’s take a look at how, more recently, IBM’s CEO Ginni Rometty has been taking the 104-year-old giant into uncharted territories. And how IBM is trying to morph itself into a 21st Century company that can take on new-age competitors.
Rometty took over the reins of IBM in 2002. The 58-year-old current CEO and Chairwomen of IBM has been on Fortune’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” for ten years in a row, and there is a very good possibility that someday we will all recognize her as the woman who reshaped IBM’s future. Though we are still a long way away from calling her the best CEO IBM ever had, she is definitely pushing IBM into new business segments, while letting go of a few.
Continue reading at Seekingalpha.com where the original article was published.