After rolling out to platform after platform, Microsoft’s Minecraft is now available for Apple TV users. The Minecraft: Apple TV Edition will retail for $19.99 and come bundled with several DLC packs, including, according to a report last week in The Verge, the Holiday 2015, Town Folk, and City Folk skin packs, and the Plastic, Natural, Cartoon, and Festive 2016 mash-ups.
The special offers are for a limited time only, per the game’s description on iTunes.
But there’s a major downer that comes with this – this edition of the hugely popular Minecraft is not supported on Xbox Live or Microsoft Realms. However, Mojang, the game’s developer, says that it should be coming soon. That’s the new, all-inclusive Microsoft at work, busy making friends and partnering with erstwhile rivals.
The good news is that the Minecraft: Apple TV Edition comes with the Ender Update that was released for the Pocket and Windows 10 Editions last month and beta on Android, which features the “ultimate boss battle, the Ender Dragon.”
You can download Minecraft: Apple TV Edition now from iTunes here:
Minecraft: Apple TV Edition – tvOS 10.0 and higher
If you have problems during the installation or after you download and install Minecraft: Apple TV Edition, you can directly contact Mojang’s customer support team. To do that, visit Mojang’s online help portal for FAQs and support channel information.
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