Google Pixel XL users were surprised to see that they had received the May Android Security Update ahead of time. It was then discovered that this was a test internal build – called a dogfood build – for Google developers to test out the security patches ahead of the actual release to the public. Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL devices running Android 7.1.2 Nougat already received their Security Update for the month of April, so this is a little accidental “bonus build” for Pixel XL owners.
The Android Security Patch level clearly shows May 5, 2017, the actual date of the release. But the one that was pushed last night clearly says:
“CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL ONLY – This is a confidential Googlers-only OTA to update your Pixel XL with May 2017 security patches. You may use your device normally but do not discuss or comment on this update externally.”
Unfortunately, Google messed up this time, sending out the update well ahead of the scheduled date of May 5. But don’t get excited yet because this is merely an update for security patches, so you won’t see any user-side features, if that’s what you’re expecting.
One user, however, did tell Android Police that he saw a new Google Play Store interface after updating his device with the new security patches, but that was later suspected to be a server-side change that was flipped by coincidence.
In the April Android Security Update, Google patches some significant vulnerabilities, including one that would enable attackers to remotely execute code on Android devices via web browsing, email, SMS and MMS when these channels processed media files.
There’s no information about what vulnerabilities the accidentally dropped security update brings to Google Pixel XL smartphones running Android 7.1.2 Nougat, but it’s very likely that this isn’t the full version of the update.
That’s a reasonable assumption, considering that this particular build (N2G470) was only for internal testing purposes. Google Pixel XL device owners will still need to update to the final build for this security update when it drops in May.
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Source: Android Police