An update for the Amazon Echo is coming next week, on Thursday, June 8, 2017, and it’s not a minor one. It might seem that way, since the update involves the ability to set reminders for specific events, as well as the ability to name your timers individually.
You might be wondering why this is such a big deal, but productivity apps are some of the most popular on any app store. The reason for that is that some of these apps help you keep several balls up in the air on any given day. Errands, chores, payments, pickups, drop-offs and other “events” are critical to our daily lives, and setting reminders has become so much a part of that, that a lot of people would be completely lost without their smartphones.
Now that the ability to set reminders is coming to Amazon Echo powered by Alexa, millions of users are going to enjoy the convenience it brings.
But more important than that is the fact that Apple is rumored to be announcing its Siri speaker sometime in the next three days, during their Worldwide Developer Conference 2017 that starts tomorrow, June 5, 2017.
One of Siri’s most-used functionalities is setting reminders. Without that feature, Amazon Echo is at a distinct disadvantage. That’s what we believe this update from Amazon addresses.
Moreover, we have a strong feeling that Amazon will continue to fill whatever gaps it sees between its own smart speaker products, and those of competitors like Google with its Google Home, Microsoft with its upcoming Harman Kardon Invoke, and now, Apple with the Siri-powered smart speaker.
As such, we should be seeing a few updates drop before the Siri speaker comes. Nothing revolutionary for the Amazon Echo, mind you, because the Amazon Echo Show will be coming this month as well, and it brings new features such as a touch screen and “SuperEcho” speaker.
But Amazon Echo may get some feature additions over the next few months leading to the main holiday season. This new update drops on June 8th to users in the United States, and over the following weeks it will be made available to users in the UK and Germany.
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Source: Business Insider