iOS 11 Beta 3 Won’t Support 32-bit Apps, Find Alternative 64-bit iOS Apps Now

iOS 11 Beta 3 to stop 32-bit ios app support

As the world plays around with iOS Beta 2 and the recently-made-available public beta of iOS 11, there’s something very important coming up on the next version – iOS 11 Beta 3. Starting with its third beta, Apple has clearly indicated that 32-bit app support is being cut.

This piece of information comes from Apple’s release notes for iOS 11 Beta 2 that came out last month, so it’s an absolute, not a rumor.

• 32-bit apps will not run on future betas of iOS 11. (26402174)

For now, if you’re either running the iOS 11 public beta or other beta versions, or even if you haven’t moved up from iOS 10.3.2, we recommend that you check your apps for compatibility with iOS 11 Beta 3 and beyond. We’ve shown you how to do this in a recent article, linked below:

iOS 11 Won’t Support 32-bit Apps, Here’s How to Identify and Update Old Apps

If you do have some iOS apps on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch that aren’t going to be supported, the app’s developer may still push an update ahead of iOS 11’s public release. But if you don’t want to take that chance, this is the time to find alternative apps that are 64-bit and migrate all your data.

Most apps will allow you to export and import data from other apps, but if you can’t do it that way, there are special free tools like iMazing that can help you transfer gaming, media, messaging and other app data between apps. It’s a bit of a tedious process, but if your current app will no longer be supported on iOS 11 Beta 3 or the subsequent public version, you don’t really have much of a choice.

With iOS 11 just about two months away from a public release, we recommend that you take action now. Check compatibility by referring to the article we linked above, and if there’s an app that’s still 32-bit and no updates available for it, migrate your data to a similar app that supports 64-bit processing using the tool we’ve linked you to.

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