The Short:
In an interview with state-owned TV station Russia-1, former Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak said he won’t be able to name all the Trump Officials he met simply because the list was so long.
The Long:
The story was first broken by CNBC, which reported Kislyak as saying in an interview with Russia-1:
“”First, I’m never going to do that,” he said. “And second, the list is so long that I’m not going to be able to go through it in 20 minutes.””
Kislayk’s statement has added significance because Attorney General Jeff Sessions continues to be bogged down by his meetings with the Russian Ambassador.
Sessions said that he had met Kislyak twice last year but that he was forced to accept the meetings only after news reports about the meeting came out, contradicting his statement during his confirmation hearing that he “did not have communications with the Russians.”
Coincidentally, it was Michael Flynn’s meeting with Kislyak that triggered his downfall. Flynn was fired from his job as national security adviser after he lied to Vice President Mike Pence about discussing sanctions on Russia with the former Russian Ambassador.