Matt Lauer talks nude scenes with Sandra Bullock a 2009 interview for The Proposal

More stories around ex-NBC News Today show anchor Matt Lauer have been making the rounds, including a newly resurfaced video of an old interview he did with actress Sandra Bullock in 2009, when her new movie The Proposal was near its release.

Barely seconds into the interview, Lauer began his interview-long references to the nude scene in The Proposal, a comedy about a Canadian editor-in-chief trying to avoid getting deported for an expired visa by asking her assistant to “temp” as her fiancé.

Lauer starts off with: “The major thing that’s changed since I’ve seen you last: I have seen you naked,” to which Bullock shot back with a well-timed “And I’m so sorry about that. Were you able to sleep afterwards?”

In reply, Lauer told Bullock that the nude image of her from the film was now his computer screensaver.

Still on the nude scene, Lauer says: “You’re naked for most of this movie!” and Bullock’s response to that was ““No I’m not! I’m emotionally naked most of this movie.”

Staying on the nude scene questions, the Today host asked whether she used a wash cloth to cover her private parts, to which Bullock said it was more like a loofah.

The interview continued around the story of The Proposal, but towards the end Lauer again references the nude scene, saying “Did I mention you have a nude scene in this movie?”

With true Sandra Bullock wit, the actress responded: “Pretty much from the time you opened your mouth.”

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