Microsoft Bing Reddit partnership makes subreddits more searchable with AI

Microsoft and Reddit are partnering to make subreddits, AMAs and AskReddits more search-friendly for users of Bing, Microsoft’s answer to the Google search engine.

The new feature will use something Microsoft calls intelligent search, and is part of a broader objective to bring more AI into Bing.

The two platforms will be integrated in at least three ways:

The first involves being able to bring up a list of subreddit threads by typing the subreddit’s name in the Bing search box.

The second integration lets users type the name of a celebrity who has done an AMA (Ask Me Anything) and get a search card with questions and answers from that session.

The third type of integration will allow the user to search within answers to questions in popular subreddits like AskReddit by simply using a “reddit” tag at the end of their question.

One of Reddit’s biggest problems has always been its search functionality. Once its algorithms have organized the content, it’s very difficult to parse.

The partnership will give Reddit users a major advantage, further boosting the social media site’s popularity among Bing users.

For Microsoft, it could help attract Reddit users away from Chrome and other search engines based on this one feature addition alone.

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