Get a gift for Mother’s Day NOW because, before you know it, May 10 will be upon you. But what on earth do you get for the perfect woman who gave you life? She’s not keen on technology and she’s not really into flowers, right? So how about something far more personal and useful that not only performs a function but also acts as a reminder of you whenever she uses it? The special gift we’re talking about is a Friendship Lamp.

What’s a Friendship Lamp?
If you’ve never heard of it, a friendship lamp is a pair of lamps that operate sympathetically. In other words, when you touch your lamp, the other one lights up no matter where in the world it is. As long as the lamps are hooked up via Wi-Fi, your mom can instantly let you know she’s thinking of you by touching her lamp!

Your mom was your best friend in the whole world during your first few precious years on this earth. Why not give her a technology gift that actually means something? Not something to make her life more complicated but to simplify it with the power of touch. If she won’t touch that FaceTime option on the iPhone you gifted her last year, she’s guaranteed to want to touch her friendship lamp over and over again, just to let you know that her thoughts are with you no matter if you’re thousands of miles away.
Friendship Lamps: A Unique Gifting Idea for Everyone
Friendship Lamps are perfectly named because friendship is an abstract state of being, a phenomenon that can occur between any two human beings and can stretch across decades or thousands of miles. Your mom and dad are pretty great best friends to have, but you can gift one to anybody you’d like to keep close to your heart. Do you have an ailing grandmother who feels bad she can’t visit you as often as before? Why not gift her a friendship lamp so it cheers her up by lighting up in a particular color every time you touch your lamp? Or a much-adored sibling languishing in a faraway land? A simple act can be a powerful motivator when you reach out to someone who really loves you. Allow them to reach out to you, too.
How Do Friendship Lamps Work?
The lamps come in pairs. Send one to your mom or friend and ask them to connect the lamp to their Wi-Fi network (Technical Tip: Move your butt, get over there, and go help your poor old mum set it up, will you?!”) The final step is to set a group ID that’s shared with your device over the Internet. And you even get to choose your personal “thinking of you” color so the other person knows it’s you! And that’s about the extent of it as far as getting set up goes.

It might sound a bit technical when you describe it here but the instructions are really clear and it’s basically a plug-and-play kind of thing with very little technicality involved. New users will find that to be a big relief. Even if you do need help, there’s a detailed manual that comes with the lamps, as well as online support via email. Besides, the setup is a one-time task to enjoy a lifetime of giving someone infinite moments of happiness by simply touching a lamp.
That’s something even Aladin would be jealous of!
You’ll find a lot of brands peddling the same goods out there, but these authentic friendship lamps come with discounts, a customer-favoring money-back guarantee, and lots of helpful resources to help you make the right decision. Shipping to the U.S. is free.
Not Just for One-on-One Love

The best part about these friendship lamps is that they can be set up as entire groups. If you have extended family overseas or just want to keep in touch with your siblings or your kids across the world, just get those many lamps and send one to each one. The setup is the same for multiple units because they’ll all be on the same group ID, which is like a closed chat group on any messenger app. Now you can touch your lamp and have a half dozen lamp light up at the same time with the same color across the globe! A truly humbling experience.