Trump now accuses “rigged system” for favoring “crooked Hillary Clinton”

President Trump is now aggressively attempting to point fingers after news broke that General Michael Flynn has agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors under special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in exchange for information that could potentially be disastrous for The Chief.

In a tweet venting what could be either frustration or fear, Trump said:

In a subsequent tweet, he elaborated on his earlier message, accusing a “totally Crooked Hillary” of deleting and “acid” washing 33,000 emails, ending his tweet with an indignant “No Justice!”:

The tweet that started it all was the one he made on Saturday, where Trump essentially defended Flynn, saying:

Following that tweet, experts came forward to say that the message further contributes to a case of President Trump obstructing justice.

According to DOJ veteran and former Assistant Deputy Attorney General Bill Yeomans:

“I think the obstruction case was already substantial – both circumstantially and through Trump’s own words.

“This tweet certainly contributes to the case. He knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he pressed Comey to drop the case and then fired Comey. Mostly disturbingly, however, the tweet shows either that the president is utterly clueless about his own jeopardy or he truly believes he is beyond accountability because neither his base nor Republicans in Congress will hold him responsible.”

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