Windows 10 Mobile gets Updated BitPay Wallet UWP App for Secure Bitcoin Transactions

BitPay app on Windows 10 Mobile

Bitcoin payments provider BitPay has released a new UWP version of its BitPay app to Windows 10 Mobile devices on the Windows Store. This major release represents a re-unification of codebases of BitPay Secure Bitcoin Wallet and Copay. Essentially, the new update brings the convenience and security of the Copay wallet and integrates it with the consumer payment platform provided by BitPay.

In 2014, Microsoft became one of the most prominent supporters of bitcoin payments, accepting such transactions on Xbox as well as Windows Store. The following year, the BitPay development platform was migrated to Microsoft Azure, the company’s managed cloud computing infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform.

The updated BitPay app is now available to Windows 10 Mobile devices with the following features, making it more secure and easier that ever to use:

– Multiple bitcoin wallet creation and management in-app
– Integration for loading, managing, and spending the BitPay Visa Card.
– Integration for buying and selling bitcoin.
– Integration for buying gift cards.
– Intuitive multisignature security for personal or shared wallets
– Device-based security: all private keys are stored locally, not in the cloud
– Hierarchical deterministic (HD) address generation and wallet backups
– Payment protocol (BIP70-BIP73) support: easily-identifiable payment requests and verifiably secure bitcoin payments
– Support for 150+ currency pricing options and unit denomination in BTC or bits
– Email and push notifications for payments and transfers
– Easy spending proposal flow for shared wallets and group payments
– Integrates with hardware wallets like Ledger and TREZOR.
– Support for Bitcoin testnet wallets – Customizable wallet naming and background colors

The new Copay app for Windows 10 Mobile is open source, and users can view the source code on GitHub here.

The app also brings full integration with the BitPay Visa debit card, where users can load, manage and spend their dollar-converted BitCoins.

On a Windows 10 Mobile device, go to the Windows Store at the link below and download the app:

Download the BitPay App for Windows 10 Mobile

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Source: BitPay Blog