In an attempt to reduce the impact of the scrapped Note 7 units they have in hand on the environment, Samsung intends to “mine” about 157 tonnes of gold, silver, cobalt and copper from the phablet devices. Earlier this year, there were calls from environmental organizations like Greenpeace to recover or recycle materials used in the Galaxy Note 7.
Samsung is doing everything it can to reuse or recycle the Note 7’s components. Camera sensors, display panels and other components are being used to fix working units that come in for repairs, and the company recently launched a refreshed version of the Note 7 in South Korea to further its recycling efforts.
Total operating loss from the debacle was reported at $5.4 billion, but strong Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus sales since their launch two months ago could help them recoup their losses.
The Galaxy Note 8, which is reported to have a smaller battery than the Note 7, will officially be launched at the end of August, with August 23rd being everyone’s best guess.
The Galaxy Note 7 is already a page in smartphone history, and it’s lucky for Samsung that the negative impact didn’t bleed into sales of Galaxy S8. All counts show that the units are strong sellers, and they have their usual head start over other premium devices coming out this year.
Hopefully, by the time the Note 8, iPhone 8 and Google Pixel 2 are ready for launch, the Note 7 story will be a vague memory rather than the nightmare that it was when it happened.
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