Tax Reform Bill Rollout Delayed to Thursday, Key Points Still Under Discussion

Tax Reform Bill

The aggressive push to pass legislation on the Trump administration’s tax reform had its first speed-bump today as House Republican leaders have delayed the rollout of the tax reform bill to Thursday. Originally slated for Wednesday, November 1, the bill still has unresolved issues on key matters, according to multiple sources.

The goal is to try and get the bill passed through the House ahead of the week-long Thanksgiving holidays, but GOP tax writers are reportedly still ironing out several details, which include possible changes to the income level at which the highest margin tax rate will take effect.

Though this is the first substantial delay in the aggressive timeline that’s been set for the tax reform bill, it’s not expected to throw things completely out of whack. The Ways and Means Committee markup is still scheduled for Monday, which means there’s still a chance to make the Christmas deadline for the bill to be on President Trump’s desk.

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