Hello Jailbreak enthusiasts!
2017 was a shitty year for iOS jailbreaks, no doubt. A big disappointment by Team Pangu followed by some hope from Luca Todesco and a few others, but really nothing that the average iOS jailbreak enthusiast could reasonably work with, without risking their iPhone being bricked and forced to upgrade to a signed iOS version.
Is 2018 going to be a repeat? Late in December 2017 Jonathan Levin authored the LiberiOS jailbreak for iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2, and even followed it up quickly with an updated version that fixed certain issues on the previous one. But is this really the jailbreak everyone’s been waiting for?
Let’s take a look at the facts around LiberiOS to see if this will fit the bill for the bulk of jailbreak fans running iOS 11 up to iOS 11.1.2 on their iPhones.
First of all, with the recent offsets, Levin’s jailbreak now supports all 64-bit iPhones running the mentioned versions of iOS.
Second, it seems to have a refreshed UI, with the knock-on effect of a clean-up giving the jailbreak a little more stability. That means fewer or no crashes when installing it.
Third – and this is the cumbersome part – it still needs Cydia Installer and Cydia Substrate, which means it’s up to Saurik (Jay Freeman) to get that part up and running. He’s reportedly working on it, but there’s no firm ETA for now.
So, that means you can still jailbreak a qualifying 64-bit device with LiberiOS, but you’ll have to wait for Cydia and Substrate to come through from Saurik. That should happen fairly soon, from what we’ve seen of Saurik’s turnaround times on most support projects.
As far as we know it’s still a work in progress, and more updates could come through this month. For now, the most recent and stable version of LiberiOS can be found here.
WARNING: Please do not jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with an .ipa file obtained from a mirror. These are not updated and could contain malware. The official link has been provided above, and your link should look like this: http://newosxbook.com/liberios/Liberios.ipa
Is this the jailbreak everyone’s been waiting for? Unfortunately, it’s the only viable option unless you want to try something that’s not been properly tested by a large group of experts. It’s not the most elegant jailbreak, if you’ve seen the older version, but the latest update has a nice, intuitive UI and it’s as stable as you’re going to get for now.
That said, keep in mind that if anything goes wrong and you need to restore, the only options you have are iOS 11.2, iOS 11.2.1 and iOS 11.2.2, which Apple is still signing as of today, January 10, 2018. That means the device is out of the jailbreak game for now in case you’re forced to restore.
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