Though Tesla successfully converted its max production capacity reached in Q4-17 and Q1-18 into sustained production capacity in Q1-18 and Q2-18, questions were raised about Tesla’s ability to sustain 5000 Model 3s per week “burst build” capacity the company reached in the last week of June.
Tesla seems to have maintained Model 3 production pace the company set in the last week of June, according to Twitter user Vicki Salvador, a Production Associate at Tesla.
Over 2000 cars in 2 days, and were not slammed. Ez money.
— VICKI SALVADOR (@VickiSalvador) July 13, 2018
It’s a little difficult to accept every information that flows through Twitter, but the pace of VIN registration suggests that Tesla’s production has maintained its brisk pace in July.
The Growing VINs
The highest VIN registered in March was 20,581. By end of June, highest VIN registered by Tesla was 56,397, a difference of 35,816.
Tesla produced 28,578 Model 3s during the three month period.
In the last thirteen days, Tesla has registered 15,503 Model 3 VINs, which is a lot because Tesla never registered that many VINs in less than two weeks.
VIN registrations alone will not be enough to accurately calculate production numbers, but its a fairly decent leading indicator to track the pace of production. Car makers will have to anticipate their production capacity and accordingly register the VINs. If they are going to build 1000 cars in the following week, they will register well above that mark and assign VINs to every car before it enters the assembly line.
#Tesla registered 73 new #Model3 VINs. Highest VIN is 71900.
— Model 3 VINs (@Model3VINs) July 13, 2018
The Shrinking Delivery Timeline
Tesla has also updated Model 3 delivery timelines. The shrinking delivery timeline is another indication that things are going well in Tesla production lines.
Waiting period for Tesla Model 3 Performance version is now 1 to 3 months instead of the earlier 2 to 4 months.
Long range dual motor now gets a 2 to 4 months delivery window, down from 3 to 5 months.
Rear wheel drive gets 1 to 3 months delivery window, down from 3 to 5 months.
Source: @Model3VINs,