If you are a voice-over artist and you do not have the luxury of recording in a studio or hiring a professional producer, do not worry, we have a solution. Your chances of becoming a successful voiceover artist are still great even though you do not have a large amount to invest, so this is why we have rounded up the 5 best apps that can help you achieve your dream. This list includes apps that are available on both Android and iOS devices. These voiceover apps will allow you to do most of the tasks that are involved in getting your demos out there.
Vocal Warm-Up by Musicopoulos
An amazing voice is essential to the success of a voice actor. Usually, voiceover actors need to do a proper vocal warm-up before recording, and this is where Vocal Warm Up by Musicopoulos comes in handy. The app is designed for singers, so by extension, voice artists will find it very useful. Many of the vocal exercises on the app – including trills, breath control, and sirening are also needed by anyone who is preparing for a studio session whether as voice artist or as singer.
Easy Voice Recorder
Every voice actor needs a recording tool that is handy and easy to use, especially voice actors that are constantly on the go. The Android app is top-rated and popular among voice over artists because of its easy to use settings and features. It has a clean interface, and more importantly, it produces a high-quality recording that sounds crisp and clear. If you want to take advantage of added features like file sharing and Bluetooth capabilities, you can upgrade to the pro version.
This is another popular voice recording app that checks all the important boxes, making it one of the best out there. This comes as no surprise as the app was designed by voice over professionals for voice over actors. One can imagine that there was a lot of effort put into creating the app to meet the needs of voice over actors. The app saves voice recordings in MP3 format, also, it allows voice over actors to edit their recordings and also share them with casting directors and clients. This app allows voiceover actors on a budget to record anywhere.
Audio Evolution Mobile Studio
Audio Evolution Mobile Studio is an Android-based app that is designed for editing. When it comes to multitrack and MIDI sequencing, Audio Evolution is one of the best out there. The app is suitable for musicians and voice over actors, and it is packed with all the necessary features that every voice-over actor might need.
TwistedWave Audio Editor
Another app designed for iOS devices is TwistedWave Audio Editor. This is a top choice if you use an iPhone. The app is highly rated and is extremely easy to use; also, users can apply effects like fade-ins and pitch shifts to their recordings. You can save recordings in multiple formats like FLAC, MP3, and WAV. The app also supports file sharing on Dropbox and Box.com. If you are interested in taking your voiceover career to the next level, then you need to go to voquent.com.