More Ways to Secure your iPhone from Hackers

In the first article of this series, titled 7 Ways to Secure you iPhone from Hackers, I covered some of the basic things you need to do to secure your iPhone and all its data. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read that article, and then continue here with a few more valuable tips that will keep iPhone hackers at bay.

Never Connect to an Unknown Computer


This is one of the simplest ways for hackers to infect your iPhone with malware, which is a term used to categorize any harmful software that could either steal your data, erase it or corrupt it so it becomes useless. WireLurker is one such piece of malware that can creep into your phone from an infected PC or Mac. This malware is specific to OS X and iOS, and we’re not yet sure if the new iOS 10 is immune to it so better be safe than sorry.


Remove Credit Card Details from iTunes if You’re Not Buying Anything

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With so much free content available on the internet, most Apple users only use iTunes for premium stuff that they can’t find free elsewhere. If you have your credit card information on iTunes and you don’t use it all that much, please remove that information as soon as possible so even if your phone is stolen or lost and then hacked, the hacker can’t make any purchases using your card.

Set Up Content Restrictions

Online content is extremely useful, but the bulk of malware and threatware is on the increase like you wouldn’t believe. Hackers are constantly finding new ways to infect your device using online content as doomsday delivery drones, so make sure your device is set to prevent accidental in-app purchases, unauthorized app downloads and unwanted or potentially dangerous content.



Always Back-up your Data to iCloud

iCloud is specifically meant to provide you with a highly secure repository for your data. Apple’s advanced cloud security features makes it safe enough for banks and financial institutions to store their data on iCloud, so why not your precious information? The greatest benefit to doing this is the ability to restore your data to your device should something happen to it.


Never share your passcode with ANYONE

You might think that your passcode is relatively safe with family members or friends, but the digital security of your device – and the information in it – is solely your responsibility. So never share your passcode with anyone unless it’s an emergency and you need someone to access your phone for you. Never write down your passcode or email/text it to yourself so it’s there for reference. If your email or messaging system has it, then chances are that someone else can look at it, too.

I hope you find these tips helpful. Mobile security is a growing concern today, and being informed is the best weapon against being attacked.

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