Apple recently pushed the second beta of iOS 11 to developers, and many iPhone users have been updating their devices after signing up to the beta program and getting their Apple developer IDs. However, unless you’re ready to deal with frustrating bugs and the risk of your phone bring ‘bricked’, do not install the beta version. Just wait for the public release later this year.
Why Shouldn’t I Upgrade to iOS 11 Beta 2?
First of all, this is not a beta for public testers. That will come along later, once Apple has fixed the really serious bugs and vulnerabilities. This is a developer beta, which means you need to be a developer to be able to handle whatever iOS 11 throws at you, whether that’s your device hanging in the middle of an action or completely freezing up on you when you least expect it.
Second, since this is a beta version, a lot of recently reported vulnerabilities (as part of Apple’s bug bounty program) may not have been patched, putting your device’s security at risk. And if your device is at risk, that means all your data is at risk, including whatever Health data you might have on your iPhone.
But I Want to Check Out the New iOS 11 Features. What Can I Do?
If you’re ready to take the risk and go the extra mile, there are three things you need to do before you can try out the latest features:
- Back up all your data – media, contacts, everything – using iTunes
- Get an Apple Developer ID – It costs you $99 to get one, and it’s valid for a year
- Register your ID and your device on the Apple Beta Program
Once you’ve done these three things, you’ll be able to get whatever updates Apple pushes for iOS 11 right up to the final public release.
For more detailed instructions, please review this article below:
How to Download and Install iOS 11 Beta 2 on Supported iPhones and iPads
Do this only if you’re absolutely sure that you can handle whatever comes your way. If not, it’s better to read about the features and just wait for the public release. We also recommend that you NOT do this on your primary device, else you may not be able to use it normally if something goes wrong.
ALSO READ: How Many Features Has iOS 11 “Borrowed” From Jailbreak Tweaks?
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