A recent survey of Samsung smartphone owners, including people who bought the ill-fated Samsung Galaxy Note 7, shows that a significant portion will buy either an Apple iPhone or Google Pixel instead of replacing their Note 7 or purchasing another Samsung smartphone.
The survey, conducted by Branding Brand, shows that 40% of the 1,020 owners of Samsung smartphones say that they will never buy another Samsung-branded phone again. 30% of the respondents indicated that they will jump ship on Android and go for an iPhone, while 8% said they’d buy the Google Pixel. The other 62%, the majority, said they will switch brands but stick with Android. That’s Google’s market to grab with the Pixel and Pixel XL.
The interesting part is that 54% of respondents have been using a Samsung device for at least three years or longer. That’s bad news for Samsung. Although the survey is limited in scope and we don’t know the demographics or parameters used to arrive at these results, it’s disturbing to know that 4 out of 10 customers won’t be shopping Samsung any more – at least, not for their smartphones.
In an earlier survey conducted by the same company before the Google Pixel was announced, it would found that 34% wouldn’t buy another Samsung. That figure has now gone up by 6%, presumably because of the increasing number of fire and other accidents reported with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 even after replacements were handed out.
Apparently, Samsung offering $100 in credit for a new phone isn’t helping the company all that much. Google’s market share isn’t going to suddenly spike based on this survey, but the search engine giant does have a head start in what is now becoming an intense battle for smartphone market share.
Android has the obvious edge so far, but this is the first time Google will make money directly from Android. Until now, it’s merely been getting a share of app download and in-app purchase revenues, so the Pixel is really the first direct monetization of Android. Hopefully, other devices will soon follow.
For Apple, this is good news at a time when iPhone sales have been flagging and the company is looking for short-term gains while it beefs up its services portfolio with Apple Pay and the like.
And as for Samsung, the best they can hope for is to quickly launch the Galaxy S8 and possibly the foldable Galaxy X, and pray that they can salvage what’s left of their lost glory that crash-landed with the Note 7.
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