The much-awaited Redstone 2 Windows 10 update is still a few days away, but Microsoft has just released a new test build 14946 for PC and mobile testers. The Insider test build is available on Fast Ring, and it’s been a while since Windows Phone Insiders are seeing a test build for smartphones after almost a month. The last release was Windows 10 Mobile build 14926 around mid-September.
Though we suspect that the major features are being reserved for the October 26 event where we will also see the Surface All-In-One (AIO) PC, Microsoft has launched a few neat improvements in the new test build.
The first is additional gesture control on the touchpad, with the three and four-finger swipes being added, as well as additional tap settings. This should significantly increase touchpad functionality and enhance user experience.
For Phone users, there’s now an option to on this Windows 10 Update test build to close windows that aren’t being used with Continuum. On the editing side there is now an option to remove words from the dictionary and to turn off auto-correct. Testers can also change the scheduled backup frequency to once a week.
Both phone and PC testers can see a new Wi-Fi setting where they will be able to change the duration of time before Wi-Fi turns back on.
The new Windows 10 Update test build 14946 also brings several fixes to Xbox and Edge.
Microsoft has warned that this build may not install for testers who have installed third-party anti-virus software. A few of the larger Windows Store games may also not launch on this build.
The full Redstone 2 update is expected to be announced and released at the hardware event in New York on October 26, but that depends on a lot of factors. Microsoft has been facing repeated installation issues on its latest public builds, such as the KB3194496 as well as the subsequent KB3194798, and needs to push patches for several other issues. The last Patch Tuesday Cumulative Updates rollout earlier this week did see some fixes and patches.
These test builds are available exclusively as part of the Windows Insider Program, and developers can sign up for an account to test the latest builds and get updates on what to expect.
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